Study English

هدف این وبلاگ آموزش و بیان مطالب جالبی به زبان انگلیسی می باشد.

Study English

هدف این وبلاگ آموزش و بیان مطالب جالبی به زبان انگلیسی می باشد.


Audiophile : Person who loves and collects high-quality audio equipment

         شخصی که دوستار موسیقی می باشد و عاشق جمع کردن ابزار صوتی می باشد.



Cot potato: Very young child who spends a lot of time watching television.(cot = a baby's bed)

به کودک خیلی کوچکی گفته می شود که دوست دارد زمان زیادی را جلوی تلویزیون به سر برد.


Fashionista :   Person who dresses according to the latest fashion trends.

کسی که مطابق با آخرین مد لباس می پوشد


Infomania :   Constantly checking and responding to email and text messages.

کسی که بطور مدام در حال چک کردن ایمیل  و پاسخ دادن به اس ام اس می باشد.


Netizen : Blend of 'internet' and 'citizen'. A person who spends an excessive amount of time on the internet

.کسی که زمانش را آنقدر در اینترنت سپری می کند که عملا شهروند اینترنتی شده باشد!

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۱۲ مهر ۹۳ ، ۲۱:۱۳
armin gharibi

در این بخش جدید با کلماتی که یک شکل هستند اما معانی متفاوتی دارند بازی شده و لطفش به اینه که ما

معنی برای شما قرار ندیم و دنبال معنی بگردید. موفق باشید.

4. Why did Cyclops have to retire from teaching?

    He only had one pupil!

5. What was the blackbird doing in the school library?

   Looking for bookworms!

6. Teacher : Steven, what's a computer byte?

    Steven : I didn't even know they had teeth !

To be continued ...

1. What do dogs and trees have in common?
    Bark !
2. What do you call pigs who write to each other?
    Pen friends !
3. Why are burglars such good tennis players ?
   Because they spend such a lot of their time in courts !

To be continued ...
۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۱۱ مهر ۹۳ ، ۲۳:۳۱
armin gharibi

20 Interesting Facts About English 

14. A word formed by joining together parts of existing words is called  " blend " ( or less commonly " a portmanteau word " ) . Many new words entered the English language in this way. Examples are " brunch " (breakfast+lunch) , "motel" (motorcar+hotel) , "guesstimate" (guess+estimate) . Note that blends are not as compounds or compound nouns , which form when two whole words join together , for example  ; website, background , darkroom.

15. The word "alphabet" comes from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet , alpha , beta.

16. The dot over the letter "i" and the letter "j" is called a " superscript dot."

17. In normal usage , the # symbol has several names, for example ; hash , pound sighn , number sign.

18. In English , the @ symbol is usually called " the at sign " or "the at symbol."

19. If we place a comma before the word "and" at the end of the list , this is known as an "Oxford comma " or a " serial comma" . For example ; " I drink coffee, tea , and milk. "

20. Some words exist only in plural form , for example ; glasses (spectacles) , binoculars , scissors , gallows , trousers ,jeans, pants, pajamas (but note that clothing words often become singular when we use them as modifiers , as in "trouser pocket" .)

The end

13. The only word in English that ends with  the letters " -mt " is " dreamt " which is a various spelling of  " dreamed " - as well of course as " undreamed " .

8. More English words begin with the letter " S " than with any other letter.

9. A preposition is always followed by a noun ( i.e. noun , proper noun , pronoun ,

    noun group , gerund )

10. The word " uncopyrightable " is the longest English word in normal use that contains no letter more than once.

11. A sentence that contains all 26 letters of the alphabet is called " pangram " .

12. The following sentence contains all 26 letters of the alphabet.

 " The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog " . This sentence is often used to test typewriters or keyboards.

1. The most common letter in English is " E ".

2. The most common vowel in English is " e " followed by " a " .

3. The most common consonant in English is " r " followed by " t " .

4. Every syllable in English must have a vowel sound. Not all syllables have consonants. 

5. Only two English words in current use ends in " -gry " . They are " angry " and " hungry ".

6. The word " bookkeeper " ( along with its associate  " bookkeeping " ) is the only unhyphenated English word with three consecutive double letters. Other such words , like " sweet-toothed " , require a hyphen to be readily readable.  

7. The word " triskaidekaphobia " means " extreme fear of number 13 " . This superstition is related to " paraskevidekatriaphobia " which means " fear of Friday the 13th "

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۱۱ مهر ۹۳ ، ۲۰:۴۷
armin gharibi

Strange but True

31. Your body is creating and killing 15 million red blood cells per second.

32. Tablecloths were originally meant to be served as towels with which dinner guests could wipe their hands and faces after eating.

33. Tourists visiting Iceland should know that tipping at a restaurant is considered an insult.

34. Your heart beats over 100,000 times a day.

35. Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand.

36. The electric chair was invented by a dentist.

37. A crocodile always grows new teeth to replace the old teeth.

38. Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete.

39. A violin contains about 70 separate pieces of wood.

40. You're born with 300 bones, but when you get to be an adult, you only have 206.

New words

blood    خون  ,   tablecloth   رومیزی    ,   consider      تصورکردن  

insult  توهین ,     beat        تپیدن    ,  camel      شتر

protect     محافظت کردن    , bone    استخوان   , concrete    بتون  

separate   جدا

The End 

24. It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

25. Women blink nearly twice as much as men.

26. The only food that doesn't go bad is honey.

27. Walt Disney was afraid of mice.

28. The youngest pope was 11 years old.

29. Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.

30. Coca-Cola was originally green.

New words

impossible      غیر ممکن ، go bad  فاسد شدن  ، mice  جمع موش

zinc   روی  ، copper      مس

17. 10 percent of all human beings ever born are alive at this very moment.

18. The earth is 4.56 billion years old ..the same age as the moon and the sun.

19. The tallest tree ever was an Australian eucalyptus . In 1872 it was measured at 435 feet tall. 

20. The most populated city in the world is Tokyo.

21. The heart of a blue whale is the size of a small car  The tongue of a blue whale is as long as an elephant.

22. Our eyes are always the same size from our birth.

23. Earth is not round. It's slightly pear-shaped.

New words

eucalyptus   درخت اکالیپتوس  ,    was measured   انداره گیری شده ,     heart قلب

whale   وال     ,   tongue  زبان  ,    pear-shaped  گلابی شکل

10. The world's oldest piece of chewing gum is over 9000 years old.

11. A sneeze travels out your mouth at over 100 miles per our.

12. A company in Taiwan makes plates out of wheat, so you can eat your plate.

13. One quarter of the bones in your body is in your feet.

14. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.

15. Chewing a piece of gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.

16. It takes 8 minutes 17 seconds for light to travel from the sun's surface to the earth.

New words 

chewing gum / gum     آدامس     ,   sneeze              عطسه      ,       plate     بشقاب 

 bone    استخوان  
, fingerprint   اثر انگشت  ,  chew    جویدن

1. Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails.

2. Human blink over 10,000,000 times a year.

3. One gallon of used motor oil can ruin approximately one million gallons of fresh water.

4. The sun is 330,330 times larger than the earth.

5. The most used letter in the English alphabet is E, and Q is the least used.

6. There are more than 50,000 earthquakes throughout the world every year.

7. Apples are more efficient than caffeine in keeping people awake in the mornings.

8. The average iceberg weighs twenty million tons.

9. dolphins sleep with one eye open.

New words

nail   ناخن            ,        used  کهنه   ,   approximately    تقریباٌ   ,   fresh  شیرین     

earthquake زلزله    ,       efficient  موثر        ,          iceberg  کوه یخ

blink چشمک زدن  

۳ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۱۱ مهر ۹۳ ، ۲۰:۲۹
armin gharibi

Ash Tree : درخت زبان گنجشک              Beech Tree : درخت راش              Cedar Tree : درخت سدر

Chestnut Tree : درخت شاه بلوط           Elm Tree : درخت نارون            Fir Tree : درخت صنوبر     

Hazelnut Tree : درخت فندق                  Maple Tree : درخت افرا                Oak Tree : درخت بلوط  

Olive Tree : درخت زیتون                         Pine Tree : درخت کاج            Poplar Tree : درخت تبریزی  

Rowan Tree : درخت سماق کوهی                Walnut Tree :درخت گردو    

Weeping Willow :  درخت بیدمجنون                Palm Tree :  درخت نخل 


Palm Tree : درخت نخل

۳ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۱۰ مهر ۹۳ ، ۰۰:۰۸
armin gharibi

آیا تا کنون به این فکر افتاده اید که خوراکی های خوشمزه چطوری برای بار اول درست شدند؟ با ما همراه باشید تا در چند پست با برخی از این داستان ها آشنا شوید.

   داستان شماره 5                                                                                         


Marshmallow candy was first made by ancient Egyptians over three thousand years ago. The Egyptians made candy from the root of the marshmallow plant, a plant that grows in marshes. today's marshmallows do not contain any mallow root; gelatin is used instead of the sweet, sticky root.

New words

ancient : from a long time ago            کهن

root :    ریشه

marsh :   مرداب

contain : have something inside        شامل بودن

gelatin :   ریشه چسبناک ،  نام ماده ای است

sticky : چسبناک

داستان شماره  4



Teabags were invented by Thomas Sullivan around 1908. The first bags were made from silk. Sullivan was a tea and coffee merchant in New York who began packaging tea sample in small silk bags, but many customers brewed the tea in them. The tea-filled bag was placed directly into the boiling water where the tea brewed, instead of the traditional way of brewing tea in a teapot. Later teabags were made of thin paper.

New words

silk : پارچه ابریشمی

merchant : a person whose job is to buy and sell products in large amount   بازرگان

sample : نمونه

customer : a person who buys goods or a service    مشتری

boiling water : آب در حال جوش

instead of :  به جای


داستان شماره 3

Cotton Candy

Cotton candy is a soft sweet that is made from sugar. Sugar is heated and spun into slim threads that look like a mass of cotton. It was invented in 1897 by William Morrison and John C. wharton, both from Nashville. Tennessee.

New Words

spun is past form of spin                        

spin : move around and around                  چرخاندن           

slim : thin                                             باریک

thread : a long thin line of something                        رشته

invent : create something which has never made before            ابداع کردن

mass : large amount of something                          یک عالم ، خروار

داستان شماره  2                                                                                


The Earl of sandwich was normally so busy gambling that he did not want to leave the table to eat. So, he piled some food between two slices of bread, which he ate while gambling. the sandwich has been popular ever since.

New words 

Earl : the title of a British high social rank         کنت 

gamble : to do something risky that might result in loss of money or failure قمار کردن  

pile :  objects positioned one on top of another  روی هم فرار دادن     

slice :  a part of something           برش ، تکه           

داستان شماره 1                                                                                                     

Potato Chips

The potato chip was invented in 1853 by George Crum. Crum was a black American chef. At that time, French fries were popular . One day a customer complained that the fries were too thick. Crum made them thinner, but the customer was still unsatisfied. Crum finally made fries that were so thin that they couldn't be eaten with a fork, hoping to annoy the very fussy customer. The customer, surprisingly enough, was happy, and potato chips were invented.

New words

complain: to say that you are annoyed, unhappy about something   شکایت کردن

fussy: very concerned about small, usually unimportant details, and difficult to please ایرادگیر

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۰۹ مهر ۹۳ ، ۲۳:۲۳
armin gharibi
Family : Father And Mother I Love You
Golf : Gentleman Only Ladies Forbidden
Police :
Polite  Obedient  Loyal  Intelligent  Courageous  Eager to help

۱ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۰۹ مهر ۹۳ ، ۱۹:۱۸
armin gharibi