English Riddles معما های انگلیسی
part three
8. What has two hands and a face, but no arms or legs ? A clock
The hands and face are parts of the human body, of course, But the hands of a clock or of a watch are the two pieces of metal or plastic that point to the numbers. The face is the flat part that the numbers are on.
9. If six children and two dogs were under just one umbrella, how come none of them got wet?
It wasn't raining.
How come is a very informal way of asking " why ? "
10. What has no beginning and no end?
A circle
To be continued ...
Part two
5. What has a fork and mouth , but cannot eat? A river
A fork is the pointed tool you use to carry food from your plate to your mouth. But a fork is also the place where a river or a road splits and goes in two different directions. The mouth of a river is where the river enters the ocean.
6. What doesn't ask questions, but needs to be answered ? The telephone
When the telephone rings, you answer it by picking up the receiver and saying " Hello? "
7. What has a neck , but no head ? A bottle
A person's neck is the part between the head and the body. The neck of a bottle is the long, slender part at the top. A bottle also has a lip-but no head.
slender باریک
Part one
1.How many bricks does it take to finish a house?
Only one - the last one !
2. What's the best way to find a pin in a rug?
Take off your shoes and walk around barefoot.
3. Name five things that contain milk.
Ice cream , cheese ... and three cows .
4. How many months have twenty-eight days ?
All of them.